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Breaking: Osun Government Approves Recruitment of Teachers, Awards N1Billion for Ora Igbomina Water works Project

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As Governor Adeleke Charges Cabinet Members To Be Innovative

The Osun State Executive Council on Wednesday has approved the immediate recruitment of five thousand teachers and two hundred and fifty education officers to fill vacancies in the state teaching service.

The Council also approved a contract for the rehabilitation of Ora Igbomina water works at a total sum of one billion, three hundred and Eight Six Million, eight hundred and seventeen thousand naira, Thirty Six Kobo.

The Council noted that the approval for the recruitment of teachers follows the conclusion of the need assessment, which the Governor ordered last year.

The Council directed that the Ministry of Education should fast track the process of recruitment to strengthen the education system.

On the Ora Igbomina water works, the Council directed that the mobilization of the contractor should be handled immediately in view of the worsening exchange rate.

Governor Adeleke charged members of the council to be innovative and think out of the box to deliver on their ministerial mandate.

“To achieve a lot, let us think out of the box. Let us be innovative. We should not be giving excuses. We have a job to do and we must deliver, no matter the condition”, the Governor charged the cabinet members.

New Olufon of Ifon announced

In the same vein, the cabinet council meeting presided over by the Governor as announced the appointment of Prince Peter Oluwole Akinyooye as the new Olufon of Ifon in Orolu local Government area of Osun state while Prince Najeem Abefe was announced as the new Onisara of Inisa 1 in Ejigbo South Local Council Development Area.

Meanwhile, in line with the Chieftaincy Declaration in consonance with the Chiefs law, Cap 25, laws of Osun State 2022, appointments of Chieftaincy Declaration Oluwata of Iwata as well the Authority, to henceforth be a beaded crown Oba has been granted by the Osun State Executive Council to the Oluwata of Iwata in Ejigbo South Local Council Development Area.

While congratulating all the newly approved Obas, Osun state Executive Council wishes them the best in their present and future endeavors as custodians of customs and traditions in their respective domains.

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